I pulled into the garage put my left foot down and watched it slowlyyyyyyyyyyy slide across the floor, and gently laid it down
It cracked the left skirt which can be repaired but for giggles I checked partzilla and found out I could have a color match piece delivered to my door for LESS than I paid for a hand size piece for my 1500 GW back years ago.
Getting the old one off was no biggie and that's when I discovered someone had been there before me, missing screw, broken push pins ect. While the piece was off I used the access and the air hose to blow out the radiator fins from the backside, not as dirty as I thought it would be.
Putting the piece back on required a bit of fussing and what I found was by putting some padding between the side stand in the up position it held the piece fairly well in place while I started the " special bolt " and by using that method was easily able to get the 2 upper front tabs in place. I used a couple aluminium nails to align the panel then started putting the screws back in place, once started it went together fairly quickly. I'll repair the old piece and put it away hopefuly never having to use it again.
Now the KICKER when she went down the engine kept RUNNING, one would have thought the BAS would have shut it down, the 1500 GW had a recall on the BAS does anyone know if the S'Wings did?