About a year ago, I wrote a Honda VP to discuss this forum, and our desires.
I got a polite phone call back, but no information about the items discussed in the letter.
On October 3rd, I wrote a followup letter, saying I had not heard anything about the first letter,
nor seen in a year, any changes to Honda's marketing, bike, or accessories, nor any reply to my
letter indicating they had followed up on any of the information provided.
As an example, one of the things I mentioned was the existing Honda trunk light replacement that
Honda uses on their cars, that fits our bikes perfectly and has the built in switch, to overcome the
common problem of the seats not latching all the way and killing the battery.
Anyway, I went thru some old mail and found they had sent me this, which I just hadn't looked at until now:
Nov 11, 2008
Dear Mr Spevack,
I am responding to your letter of October 3, on behalf of Mr. Blank. First let me say that
we appreciate the enthusiasm for your ownership of the Silverwing, and your sincere
desire to share your suggestions for improving the features. I'm sure you can understand
that there are many considerations that go into the creation and marketing of a product in
the marketplace, and what may work well in one part of the world, might not have the
same return on investment in another part of the world.
American Honda has many aspects of sales and marketing to consider before it brings a
product to market or makes significant changes to a product, and while there may be
features that would appeal to some in the market the judgement may be that there is not
enough potential interest in a given feature to warrant its introduction into another market
area. We make our marketing decisions on many factors and we do take into
consideration the desires of loyal Honda owners such as yourself, but ultimately the choices
that are make must be done using our best judegement and without acception or discussing
unsolicited product features and improvement ideas.
We would respectfully request that no further suggestions be submitted, to minimize our
risks from future lawsuits from individuals that might claim to have the same ideas as what
may already be in development by the Honda engineers. William R. Willen
Managing Counsel
Product Regulatory Office.
While I understand and agree with most of his points, do they not understand what a focus group is?
Do they not understand that the best focus group they can have at no cost to them is these forums?
What are your thoughts?