One of the reasons for trading my SilverWing was I was tired of the weight/balance and second it had 50,000 miles and in my book time to trade. So new Honda CB300F, Hepco & Becker C-bow bags and rear luggage rack---$40 Bestem box----I ride all weather, just got back from 2400 mile,10 state ride. Bike works buffeting!! Puig windshields...yes 2 in tandem and I may add their clip on spoiler. Thought I would be riding in warm weather---got fooled, 35 degrees F in Savannah GA.
Had 4 or 5 days of rain/fog/cold. Made bad choice in riding clothes--Aerostich Darien jacket ok, but passes a lot of air---Did not take my usual bought in the north down jacket. 200 miles in severe rain and the Darien starts becoming soaked----funny my old Barbour Jacket would take 8 hours in severe rain before it absorbed water.
Should have worn my Darien pants with long underwear and pajama bottoms rather than jeans....but I didn't, instead jeans/long underwear and my 15 year old Joe Rocket rain pants---they work well but pain in butt to wear/pee, etc.
Feet stayed dry and warm--Tingley rubber overboots, over Aerostuch Kombat Light boots----much easier to use would have been pair of Wolverine Waterproof Wellingtons---had pair and they work...going to order another pr....saved carrying the rubber overboots and the hassle of putting them on.
Bike works fine, performance about same as SilverWing 600, riding position easier on body, Thai made Honda seems to be same as Japan----4,000 miles so far=no trouble, 68-70 MPG US being run hard.
Even in the south this time of year, you see few bikes on the road==US Riders appear to be wimps....think one of the problems most lack real winter/foul weather gear.
Ideal clothes for this trip----Aerostich one piece suit with electric liner and Wolverine boots. Glove/mitt problem I have never really solved---have/carry and use Aerostich overmitts---they add no warmth and keep hands dry for 2-3 hours. Think heated grips would be nice.
Saw plenty of trailer bikers, but not riders