Got this top case from Amazon after reading mostly positive (real) reviews. I use "FakeSpot" that helps identify the fake reviews that are a big part of Amazon.
Anyhoo, it's a good case. Not on the same quality of Shard or Givi, but it actually does the job. I liked the fact it had LED's built in and wasn't an add-on. Never mind the price was less than half of what a "quality" box would cost. I know, you get what you pay for, but this is really not a bad box at all.
Mounting hardware was on par with the Givi's I have installed. It's not a "one lock" removable design.
Instruction were OK, but the wiring diagram (on the inside of the lid) had the lights a bit mislabeled. Scrolling spoiler lights are actually the brown wire and steady running lights is the green/yellow wire. Other than that, no surprises.
I drilled a small hole into the trunk, under the spoiler so you can't see it. Then I actually mounted a wire block I got at the hardware store, so I could easily remove the box (without rewiring everything) and/or change the configuration.
I opted out of the "scrolling spoiler lights" and just have them light steady, only when the brakes are applied.
I have the lower side lights just light steady instead of wiring them to the blinkers, since SWing blinkers are quite obvious, and the side lights on the box couldn't do both.
I think the box is a bargain. I got it mostly for improved visibility vs. cargo, although it is quite capable at about 40 liters (guess) 21" X 17" X 16". (53 X 43 X 40 CM).
This is the wiring block in the trunk. The tail light wires were accessed through the little removable panel on the left back side of the trunk. The wires on top are from the top box.
There are a lot of ways to connect up the lights. I wanted a steady spoiler light for the brakes and steady running lights vs. blinkers for the two side lights.
Running lights:
Brake lights:
Looks OK.