Just wanted to thank you again and follow up the fluid change. All went well and got brand new coolant on the bike.
I just got bought this bike a couple of weeks ago. Honestly, I was concerned about the purchase because the bike is a 2005 and looked like new but only had 1300 miles on it. Obviously it has been sitting for a long time which is not a good thing. But the bike looked pristine and ran great so I took the risk and bought it.
Upon getting home, I took it all apart
. It seems to be in very good mechanical order and besides a little rust in the fuel tank filler neck (tank is fine inside) and a couple broken plastic tabs in the body (promptly fixed), I can't find much evidence of problems due to the low use and old age.
I couldn't be happier, the bike is running phenomenal and took it on a long trip last weekend. No problems at all.
So thanks again for such a great and resourceful forum and I'm sure I will have some Q's for the experts in the future